My name is Lisa Kemmer. I have lived in Clarksville, TN for around 22 years. We moved to Clarksville from Florida. I love the change of seasons in Tennessee. I have a wonderful husband that supports my photography. He tags along and usually enjoys a good book upon watching for me to be completely finished with every angle. I have two beautiful children – a son and daughter.
Q: What camera do you shoot with?
I started out with a Canon 60D then upgraded to a full frame camera body the Canon 5D Mark III.
Q: What is your “go to” lens?
My favorite lens is the 70-200 2.8 L
Q: How and why did you get into photography?
I have always had a passion for photography. Never really had the time to focus on learning until my children where grow and move onto College. Initially, just wanted to be able to take an awesome image and hang it on my wall at home. 10 years later, I am taking lots of images for others as well to hang pictures on walls.
Q: What places, states or countries have you gone shooting?
Out of the Country: Rome & Venice, Italy – Porto, Portugal
United States: Anchorage, Alaska, New York City, New York - Sedona, Phoenix & Scottsdale, Arizona - Chicago,Ohio - Savannah, Georgia
Q: How often do you shoot and what is your favorite genre?
At least once per week. I love to take images of seniors and families.
When traveling, I love to shoot reflections in puddles and skylines of large cities.
Q: What is your favorite photo that you have taken and why? Please explain how you took it, was it all planned, if so, what was your planning process?
One of my favorite images was of Horseshoe Bend in Flagstaff, Arizona. I rented a 16-35mm lens just for that shot. I was in awe of the beautiful scene in front of me. I sat there for hours just soaking in the magnitude of the landscape. Then returned the next morning prior to sunrise for another amazing view.
Q: What was the hardest thing you've learned in photography?
In the beginning, I would say it was understanding the exposure triangle.
Q: What do you hope to still learn/improve?
The learning process is what I love the most about photography. There is always something new to try. Whether it’s about my camera or photoshop. I don’t believe I will ever be a master of photography because you have to approach as a never-ending learning cycle.
Q: What challenges you the most in photography?
The lighting is the key ingredient to every photo. Speed lights off camera challenge me probably more than anything.
Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out or early in their photography journey?
Don’t give up. Learn from your mistakes and never forget to help a fellow photographer.
Q: Can you please share some of your favorite photos – say 3 max. and why you like them.
- Horseshoe Bend Image
- Grand Canal - Venice, Italy - Mainly because I have always dreamed of going to Venice. The image makes me feel like I am standing right in the very spot I took the photo.
- New York City - NYC - I previous mentioned that I love reflections in puddles. This was taken a few hours after a rain storm. I stood right in the middle of the puddle with my tripod to get the shot after I asked a few people to stand to the side for just a minute.
Feel free to contact Lisa Kemmer on social media:
Web-Site: https://www.kemmerphotography.com/
Lisa is an awesome photographer and friend. She has shared so much with me and challenges me to push myself as a hobbyist photographer! You rock!