Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Katie Soltas

On today's blog I would like to introduce to you Katie Soltas.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself and your background, where you are from etc.
Aloha! My family moved to Tennessee several years ago after living eight years in Hawaii, where I originally went to graduate school for communications. I’m a native Hoosier from Northwest Indiana and have been a PR professional for over a decade. I love running, appreciate art and enjoy being outdoors. My husband and I have a rambunctious, adorable toddler girl with a little boy due this fall. 

Q: What camera do you shoot with? 
Nikon D5000

Q: What is your “go to” lens?
Usually my wide angle so I can capture the full perspective before going in for details. 

Q: How and why did you get into photography?
My parents bought my Nikon as a Christmas gift for me while I was living in Hawaii in 2009. The crappy camera I had at the time would not do paradise justice, and I fell in love with photography as a hobby. 

Q: What places, states or countries have you gone shooting?
Tahiti, Bora Bora, New Zealand, Hawaii, Utah, California, New York, Florida, Washington, Tennessee

Q: How often do you shoot and what is your favorite genre?
I rarely get to shoot now due to my young babies, but at least twice a year on vacations and I try to shoot every two weeks locally in TN. 

Q: What is your favorite photo that you have taken and why? Please explain how you took it, was it all planned, if so, what was your planning process?
(attached) I had a magical moment while hiking in Waipio Valley on the Big Island of Hawaii – this black and white wild horse came up pretty close to me while I was shooting, and I just kept snapping. I have it framed at home. 

Q: What was the hardest thing you've learned in photography?
I’m still learning all of the technical mechanisms for sure. I’ve gotten better at working within aperture and shutter speed, but need a lot more training to figure out different lighting situations, especially indoors. 

Q: What do you hope to still learn/improve?
Night shots outside and indoor photography; working with flash for portraits

Q: What challenges you the most in photography?
Similar to two questions above. 

Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out or early in their photography journey?
I’m still new! But I would say to get out and practice as much as you can and push your limits. If you normally shoot nature, try your hand at doing portraits or events to build your portfolio. 

Q: Can you please share some of your favorite photos – say 3 max. and why you like them.

  • Waipio Valley on Big Island – there is so much beauty in this sacred place and this picture, from the vegetation in the foreground to the black sand beach and cliffs below. I lived on Big Island for two years during my tenure in the Islands.

  • Maui Surfer Boy – this was one of the first action shoots I did with my zoom lens, and I was thrilled to capture this local boy during what appears to be a joyful ride at Kapalua Bay on Maui. 

  • Chihuly Glass and Gardens – although this exhibit is popular in Seattle, I think everyone sees it from their own perspective. I love that the colors are so vivid in these glass flowers in contrast to the typical gloominess of the city, with the iconic space needle looming above. 

Feel free to contact Katie Soltas on social media:

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