Thursday, August 2, 2018

Julia Phillips

On today's blog I would like to introduce to you Julia Phillips. 

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself and your background, where you are from etc. 
I was born and raised in Clarksville. I'm old enough to say I was the 3rd baby born in the old Clarksville Memorial Hospital, where Publix is now😊. My husband and I have been married 46 years. We have moved to several surrounding counties over the years, as he pursued his coaching/teaching career. Now he is retired and we are back in Clarksville. I love this city. 

Q: What is your “go to” lens?  
I only use my iPhone 7 Plus.  I used to have a Nikon CoolPix, but to be honest, I enjoy photography more with my phone. It’s always with me and makes it all a fun hobby. I have the greatest respect for each of you who uses certain lenses and cameras, but for me my phone is perfect😊. 

Q: How and why did you get into photography? 
I have loved photography from the time I knew what a camera was (a long time ago😊). It is a wonderful hobby that has proven to be great therapy for me. It is a joy to catch a moment via a photo and then being able to share with others who may not have that opportunity. The iPhone 7 Plus camera has proven to be the perfect vessel for me to enjoy my photography hobby.  

Q: What places, states or countries have you gone shooting? 
My resume of places to shoot is short. Tennessee is pretty much my main area of travels. I also go to southern Kentucky often to photograph the beautiful scenic countryside there. I love rural Tennessee.  I also love the Nashville area and surrounding counties close to Montgomery County. Tennessee is a beautiful state
.areas close to home are rich in photo opts.

Q: How often do you shoot and what is your favorite genre?  
I love nature photography, architectural photography and all that is included in those two. 

Q: What is your favorite photo that you have taken and why? Please explain how you took it, was it all planned, if so, what was your planning process?  
I don’t really have one favorite photo.  I do love taking any sunset skies and the fountain at the downtown square or any structure/building downtown. I like working with the sun during different times of day to catch the different light possibilities, etc. I’m an amateur who just enjoys all the possibilities.  I heard a quote once that said: “My favorite photo is my next photo.” That is pretty much me😊. 

Q: What was the hardest thing you’ve learned in photography?  
I’m still learning, and I look at it that all these lessons just add to the fun of photography. Learning about light, placement, etc. is all part of the process. I just simply enjoy the process and don’t consider anything especially hard or difficult. Now if I had a camera with many lenses, then I think learning what to use and when would be the hardest part
.but just part of the process also. I’m not saying I won’t ever have a Nikon or Canon, but for me at this time, it’s iPhone😊. I do have the greatest respect for those of you who love your cameras and take such exquisite photos. Thank you for all your hard work and beautiful results. 

Q: What do you hope to still learn/improve? 
I want to learn and grow in any and all ways that are fun and joyful. Photography is pure joy and that keeps me wanting to take better photos and share the experience with others.  

Q: What challenges you the most in photography?  
I think at first, I felt kind of like a “second class” photographer, simply because of using an iPhone as my choice of cameras. I’ve learned through time that there are actually a few Pros that are using iPhone's or other camera phones and teaching classes via their experiences. Feeling good about my photos, because of the camera I use was a challenge, but it didn’t take me long to understand there is an opportunity there for those of us who are comfortable with that type camera. I'm a member of a local group on FB of folks who are from Clarksville. They love the photos, because many of them no longer live here but grew up here, so the photos give them a “snapshot” of home and memories for them. That is a wonderful feeling to share with others, and they appreciate the outcome.  

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out or early in their photography journey?  
Just do it and enjoy the process. That would be my advice.  Don’t be too hard on yourself as you grow and learn. The process is a joy and what you get to participate in and see with your own eyes can be beyond beautiful. It does something to your soul that only photography can do. It’s kind of a personal experience that can be difficult to describe, but it is never good to compare and be hard on yourself
.be who you are and watch what happens😊. 

Q: Can you please share some of your favorite photos, say 3 max and why you like them.  

  • The Fountain - The shot of the fountain is probably one of my favorite. I love the colors and the background sky. That fountain photographs well and it just all came together in that pic.

  • Sunset at The Cumberland - Is such a lovely place to be and enjoy. Each sunset is a miracle and a favorite for me to capture and experience.

  • Barn Love -  I love barns😊. I grew up in Clarksville, and the tobacco barns smoking in the Fall are a special memory of mine, so I love capturing all the pics of barns I can. This one is one of my favs, because the tree branches are shadowed on the barn. The sun was in just the right place😊

Feel free to contact Julia Phillips on social media:


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