I’m a Montgomery County local who has lived in or around Clarksville for the majority of my life. I have a passion for many things, including art, music, and photography.
Q: What camera do you shoot with?
I shoot digital on a Nikon D3200, and I shoot film on a Nikon F3 and a Cannon A-1.
Q: What is your “go to” lens?
I own specific lenses for specific reasons, but going back to the 35mm prime is always fun, as it forces you to move around and frame your subject, and is also allows for a very shallow depth of field.
Q: How and why did you get into photography?
I was going to college for a degree in visual communications, which required me to take an entry-level class on digital photography. That was enough to get me hooked!
Q: What places, states or countries have you gone shooting?
I’ve shot in Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and New York. I’ve also shot in the Cayman Islands, Belize, and Colombia.
Q: How often do you shoot and what is your favorite genre?
I shoot almost weekly, usually Real Estate. I enjoy shooting studio portraits the most, as they tend to be the most challenging, and I love to show people how exceptional they can look.
Q: What is your favorite photo that you have taken and why? Please explain how you took it, was it all planned, if so, what was your planning process?
That’s a tough one, but a photo comes to mind is a snap portrait of my mother. It was just a loose session I did while she was working outside on her farm while I got some shots for a class assignment. I managed to capture an expression on her face as she petted a horse that showed a lot.
Q: What was the hardest thing you've learned in photography?
The hardest part is knowing that even with all the technical know-how it takes to stretch a DSLR camera to its limits in manual mode, an amateur with a cell phone might grab a shot that is nearly as good or better.
Q: What do you hope to still learn/improve?
A good photographer will never stop learning and improving, in all aspects.
Q: What challenges you the most in photography?
Convincing people to stop posing and giving rehearsed expressions for photos. I spend a lot of time getting people to relax and be natural before even starting to concentrate on taking photos.
Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out or early in their photography journey?
Learn to shoot manually using multiple off-camera flashes. That’s the difference between professionals and amateurs.
Q: Can you please share some of your favorite photos – say 3 max. and why you like them.
- Medellin Colombia Landscape: I was hiking back from the top of the mountain down into the valley, and snapped this shot as the rain storms were moving in. I love the contrast between the green farms, the distant valley, and the clouds.
- Rebecca: I really like how the model, who was not a professional, was able to loosen up and really feel confident with herself in this shoot. It shows.
- Mother: What I love most about this photo is that the closer you look, the more you see in her expression. While at first glance, she seems to have a bit of a smirk on her face, if you look closer at her eyes you'll see a lot more emotion. It also shows the multi-generational relationship her farming family has with animals.
Feel free to contact Jon Duncan on social media:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.duncan.75
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jon_duncan_art
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